Jesus had a lot of junk up in his trunk.
How do I know this?
Personal Revelation, that’s how.J
Ok, that isn’t entirely true…
But there is plenty of evidence supporting this theory, so hear me out for a bit.
How do I know that Jesus had a big butt?
It’s really quite simple..
When I was younger, I remember hearing the expression, “make sure you leave room for Jesus”.
When it comes to relationships, we need to make sure that we leave plenty of room for Jesus.
Dating is something that is often frowned upon, particularly when it comes to the younger generation. The fact of the matter is that most people these days simply do not date in a healthy manner.
People are starting to date at a very young age nowadays.
From the time you hit middle school (and sometimes even earlier), you can expect to be surrounded by the influence of dating.
People start dating at a young age.
Lots of parents are unaware of this, but I actually prefer the term naïve.
I think that one of the most unhealthy aspects of dating is the physical aspect.
Physical affection often leads to emotion based relationships…
Well... that and hormones.. but honestly, I would rather not go there at this time.
When you are young and in love (I prefer the term confused and immature), it is easy to let your emotions take control.
This is why I believe that, as much of a buzz kill as this may make me, I believe that parents should be very aware of their children’s lives.
Many people will tell you that this is especially true when it comes to parents and their daughters.
I don’t know if I completely agree with that statement…
I would even go as far as saying that boys and girls are equally driven these days, when it comes to their.. emotions (AKA hormones).
There are some precautions that can be taken to ensure healthier relationships.
1) Leave room for Jesus.. He has a big butt, and he needs a lot of room!
-relationships that focus on the physical and emotional aspects are extremely dangerous.
2) Take it SLOW! As I mentioned before, when we let our EMOTIONS lead us, we often move into dangerous territory very fast. We have a fast food mindset, and we are spoiled with the “I want it now” society that we live in. As silly as this may sound, we don’t need to say EVERYTHING that we feel the second that we feel it; why? Because emotions often hit you before logic does. One day you feel like you are on top of the world and “this just has to be love”. The next day, you realize that you just let your emotions take control. Seriously, this happens a lot.. A LOT.
3) Put JESUS FIRST! Don’t fit Jesus time into your schedule; fit your schedule around your Jesus time. The sad thing is, even many Christians today are more in love with their boyfriend/girlfriend that they are with Jesus. Take a pause and think about it. If you love your significant other more than you love Jesus, then honestly, something is very wrong. Also, don’t be unequally yoked. We hear this all the time, but if you begin dating someone expecting them to change because of you, and you expect them to all of the sudden fall in love with Jesus… 95 times out of 100 you are going to be let down.
Now I am FAR from the dating expert (you can call me Dr. Zack if you’d like), but when you see people do things the wrong way enough times, you eventually catch on.
If you are questioning how strong and true your feelings are for that other person that you are dating, why not try to take a break from the physical aspects for a while.
That means:
No kissing.
No cuddling.
No holding hands.
Try it for a week..
A month..
A year..
Or if really want to be blessed beyond imagination, wait until marriage. J
Thank you for reading Dating 101.
Whoa... lol I seriously enjoyed this. And I completely agree with you. Parents are so not involved in their kids lives enough, in this aspect. They think that young relationships are "cute" and "innocent", but that is far from the world we live in. I'd say the doctor is in!