Saturday, September 1, 2012

(Anti)Social Media

According to a recent post in the Chicago tribune, young people are spending an average of 53 hours a week on media. 

That’s more than a full time job.
That’s more than school.
No wonder there is such a disconnect in the home in families; with 53 hours of texting, calling, video games, television, facebook, and more, this is little time for anything else. 

Parents need to realize that every minute they spend with their children is incredibly important!
Because we need Godly Christian parents to take a stand and win back their children. 
And that will not come easily; but with hard work, focus, determination, and tons of prayer, it is more than possible. 
……and while parents will be the most influential role model in the lives of their children,
Youth pastors can also play a huge role in their lives as well.
I remember how much youth ministry changed my life growing up.
And I hope that each and every youth pastor, volunteer, worker, or leader realizes the importance of their job. 
I hope that they realize the level of responsibility and influence that they have….
Now- youth pastors…
Many youth pastors see their students once a week, for maybe 2 or 3 hours. 
2 or 3 compared to 53. 
Youth pastors; I urge you to pursue your students with all that you have to give.  
The 2 to 3 hours that you get a week may be the most important, instrumental hours that they spend all week; or, they may just as easily be time wasted. 
Please, please, please.. don’t just do youth group, do youth ministry
Many people in culture would describe a youth pastor to be no more than a baby sitter, a game coordinator, or simply a buddy; and this is sad. 
Because if that is all that you are, you honestly need to find a new profession. 
We need people who are passionate, hungry disciplers of teens; who have vision and ambition. 

And when it comes to social media, we have two choices.
1.       We can do nothing and hope that these trends go away. (spoiler: they won’t)
2.       Adapt to the times.
And one way that we can really influence these teens is by influencing them through one of our greatest obstacles- social media. 
If you are a youth leader and you don’t have a facebook or a twitter, you need to change that. 

That is one of the greatest ways to connect with this generation of teens. 
They will judge you by your content online. 
And if you show that you are someone with good, Godly character, they will notice. 

So let me just encourage you.
Take that which is used to hurt our young people, and use it for good.

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