Friday, October 19, 2012

Just a Face

We see strangers every single day.
We pass them by on the streets.
We run into them at the checkout register.
To us, they are nothing more than... just a face.

One thing that amazes me is the fact that these people; some of them so seemingly average and insignificant- could be future world changers.
Some of them could be the faces on the television of tomorrow.
Others could be names on a ballot in a forthcoming election.

The problem with being human is the fact that we do not see anything besides... just a face.

We aren't able to go deeper.
To take a peek into their brilliant minds.
To understand the immense creativity within.

I think that every person has the potential for greatness.
Every person has brilliance inside of them.. somewhere... somehow.
But for us, they are still.. just a face.

And behind these faces there is pain.
There is hurt.
There are shattered dreams and broken hearts.
But to us; they are nothing more than... just a face.


Let me encourage you today with this thought:
Today- let's see these people as more than... just a face.
And instead, let's see them as actual human beings.
Real people.
Unique individuals.
With incredibly vast situations.
From different backgrounds.
Living out today's page in their story.


This is my prayer today for each and every one of us:
God, break our heart for those that we come across today.
And help us not to neglect the needs, the cries, and the hurts of others.

And that is all-
I'm not going to give you a challenge.
I'm not going to give you practical advice.
I just want you to be open and aware of that fact that these people
are more than.. just a face.

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