Thursday, October 11, 2012

Strange Places to Meet God (Vol. 1)

God is everywhere.
We just usually limit the amount of effect He has on our lives.
Some of the greatest encounters with God happen when we are willing to let him intervene and meet us in the strangest of places.  
When we are open to these divine interventions, God shows up.  
It's as simple as that.  
One strange, yet powerful occasion where you can meet God is: 

1. When You Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night:
Last night, I woke up around 5:00 A.M.
When this happens, typically, my first response isn't: "Thank you Jesus for waking me up 2 and a half hours earlier than I planned!".

However, I have found that times like these are some amazing times to just talk to God until I fall asleep.
Call me weird; call me spiritual; but the way I see it is this:
I'm already awake- so what can I learn from this moment?

In fact, I even believe, that sometimes God wakes us up on purpose.  Sometimes God has something to tell us.
Sometimes He wants to reveal something to us.

So here is what I want you to try next time this happens.

1. Talk to God.
The reason why talking to God is so easy at these times is because our brains are in such a simple state of mind.

These are times when it is easiest for me to just literally talk to God.  

When it is 5 A.M., our prayers are simple, innocent, gentle, and almost child-like.  
And those are some of the most powerful prayers we can pray.

2. Write Stuff Down:
Typically, when this happens, I end up with great new ideas.
Sure, sometimes, I wake up in the morning, read my note in my phone, and wonder: "What in the world was I thinking?"
But other times; I read it, and know that it was from God. 
Last night, God gave me insight on a discipleship program that I'm going to implement one day.
And this is just one example of the things that I know God wants to speak into my; and your life.

God wants to reveal stuff to us.  In fact, God wants to reveal stuff to YOU.
And most of the times, our days are so busy and hectic that it's easy for us to miss what He has to say.
But you NEED to make sure to remember to write it down.
Otherwise, you WILL forget.
And that thought may escape you forever.
The craziest part of it all is the next day, after I am interrupted in my sleep, I typically feel great.
My biggest fear and concern when I wake in the middle of the night usually transpires with me thinking about how I am going to be tired throughout the next day.
But God gets me through it.
And I know that even if He didn't. 
Even if I was exhausted. 
It'd be worth it.
Because you can never spend time in prayer and lose.  

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